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Strategic Advisory Capabilities

Partnering to co-create strategy for a sustainable future.

Strategy & Planning
Sustainable strategies for growth and investment. Working as trusted advisors to c-suite and executive teams in governments, lessors, investors, integrators and contractors, OEMs and operators, to transform their businesses.

  • Enhancement and investment plans

  • Market and entry strategies

  • Due diligence

  • Opportunity development

  • Bid strategy and management

  • JV and consortium advice

  • Organisational design and development

Business Transformation
Translating visions into tangible transformational roadmaps. Delivering strategies and smart business decisions to deliver plans and programme objectives.

  • Programme determination and management

  • Sponsor requirements and management

  • Change management

  • Independent review and assurance

  • Mobilisation planning and management

  • Culture, leadership and behaviours

Operations and Maintenance Advisory
Working collaboratively with our clients to create tangible solutions for exceptional passenger experience and performance through optimised O&M processes.

  • Operational transformation

  • System asset optimisation and management

  • Performance and continuous improvement

  • Operational readiness

  • Individual and team development

Procurement and Commercial
Market-leading asset procurement and lifecycle strategies, process, procedure, and investments, while maintaining commercial advantage and stakeholder relationships.

  • Asset investment strategy

  • Rolling stock, asset maintenance and supply chain procurement

  • Tender and contract management

  • Commercial advice and management

Human Capital Insights
Unlocking the true potential of your workforce, enhancing people performance to drive better business results and outcomes.

  • Executive coaching

  • Leadership awaydays

  • People change management

  • Behaviour change

  • Team development

  • Growing capability

If you'd like to know more about our Strategic Advisory Services, please contact us today.

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